After the success of Pokémon Concierge, The Pokémon Company is teaming up with Wallace and Gromit creators Aardman to create a “special project” coming in 2027.
In a news post published December 11, Aardman announced: “The Pokémon Company International and Aardman have announced a special project coming to audiences in 2027. The collaboration will see Aardman bringing its unique style of storytelling to the Pokémon universe in brand-new adventures.”
Aardman is known for its claymation style and wry humour in Wallace and Gromit. Pokémon Concierge was a different style from Pokémon‘s usual drawn cartoon look, so fans may get to see their favourite critters in claymation soon.
“This is a dream partnership for Pokémon,” said Taito Okiura, vice president of marketing and media at The Pokémon Company. “Aardman are masters of their craft, and we have been blown away by their talent and creativity. What we have been working on together ensures our global Pokémon fans are in for a treat!”
The managing director of Aardman, Sean Clarke, added: “It’s a huge honour to be working with The Pokémon Company International — we feel sincerely privileged to be trusted with bringing their characters and world to life in a brand-new way. Bringing together Pokémon, the world’s biggest entertainment brand, together with our love of craft, character and comedic storytelling feels incredibly exciting.”
There are no details yet on exactly what story will be done, but Clarke said, “Aardman and TPCi share an emphasis on heritage and attention to detail as well as putting our fans and audiences at the heart of what we do, which we know will steer us right as we together create charming, original and new stories for audiences around the world.”
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